Are you in Foreclosure? Or heading in that direction?
We Can Help...
We have been helping people since 1988 stop foreclosure. Call us, we will meet with you, at your house or wherever is convenient for you. We will look over your mortgage paperwork and tell you what your options are on the spot. Don’t wait, the earlier you call the better your options are. Do what is best for your family and call now! Don’t wait for the sheriff’s department to come out and put your families’ belongings in the yard next to the street. In order to stop the foreclosure it’s imperative that you call us as soon as possible.
Many people wait until it’s too late and lose everything. Call Now: (615) 780-7287.

Most home owners don't know their options...
Most homeowners going through foreclosure don’t know all of their options. It’s not their fault. We can stop foreclosure immediately. If you’re not quite in foreclosure but heading there… we may be able to help you avoid foreclosure.
There is a lot of misinformation about foreclosure and the foreclosure process. New regulations from the government seem to come out every few months.
But, there are options that you have when facing foreclosure. You have options that the bank does not tell you about.
Foreclosure Prevention
Take the 1st Step,
Tell Us A Little About your situation….
Call before it’s too late so we can stop the foreclosure before it’s final. We’ll come to your house, or wherever it is convenient for you, look at your mortgage paperwork and from there, we can give you your options. The meeting is FREE and there is no obligation to you. We’ll find out about your specific situation, give you some options to help you better understand the foreclosure process and lay out your options, so you can make a well informed decision. A decision that is best for you and your family.
P.S. We solve all types of title issues: loans, liens, judgments, bankruptcy, probate, inheritance challenges or if you’re simply a little behind on the loan.
Step 1.
Fill out the simple form below or call us at (615) 780-7287 and we’ll get quick meeting setup to discuss your options. We’re here to help. CALL TODAY or Fill out the Form Below…
How Foreclosure Works
With of 33 Years of Experience, the Trustee Inc Team of professionals know this process well, and we can help stop it. Read more >
How To Save Your Credit From Foreclosure
New homeowners often do not realize the extent of the impact a missed mortgage payment can have on their credit score. Read more >