How To Save Your Credit From Foreclosure.
There are many options for homeowners facing foreclosure, but giving up is not one of them. The home-buying process may have begun with the best of intentions, but high mortgage payments and unexpected life situations can cause once-happy and capable homeowners to fall short of their contractual obligations. A missed mortgage payment is not a credit score death sentence, but rather, an opportunity to explore other options to protect your financial reputation and investments. Read More >
What We Can Do For You Today
- WE STOP the Foreclosure and you gain certainty and peace of mind in this stressful time.
- WE GIVE YOU OPTIONS: a Custom Solution for Your Situation that Works for You
- WE SAVE Your Credit – and even improve your Credit – giving you the ability to get good rates, loans, and deals in in future (Good Credit makes you more bankable and often makes things easier)
- WE PROVIDE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE – Many folks want to keep their situation private. We keep it that way. Your neighbors never know you were ever facing foreclosure.
- RELIEF – We take care of working with the banks and attorneys. We handle everything so you don’t have to.
- WE ARE A FREE SERVICE – We don’t charge a dime (we’re not a foreclosure related rescue service that charges you fees and have all types of strings attached).
- WE Solve All Title Issues – We’ve dealt with all types of loans, liens, judgments, inheritance, probate, divorce, and bankruptcy challenges. Over the last 30 Years we’ve seen it before. We can handle it again.
- CASH – You can even get CASH whether the loan is in your name or not (maybe you inherited the property, don’t live there or already moved) you can get CASH to pay other bills, pay down other debts, and put towards future purchases for things you need like groceries, car, medical services, insurance, etc.
- HASSLE FREE – We Work with the Mortgage Company and Take Care of the Paperwork so you don’t have to
New homeowners often do not realize the extent of the impact a missed mortgage payment can have on their credit score.
Foreclosure is especially harmful because it not only drops a person’s credit score by more than 100 points, but the negative credit score history remains for seven years. This means banks will see your foreclosure for the better part of a decade.
Why is it bad to have a low credit score?
A Good Credit Score is Key, We Can Help.
First and foremost, future lenders will pull credit scores (usually FICO) before setting up any line of credit. A low credit score means receiving worse interest rates or flat-out denial for loans.
Foreclosure prevents new home ownership, too. For FHA-backed loans, for some, the wait can be as long as seven years
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How Trustee Inc. Can Help You...
- Trustee, Inc. can stop the foreclosure and auction immediately.
- Trustee, Inc. can deal with the mortgage company, for you; you do nothing.
- Trustee, Inc. can give you several options, for you to choose from.
- Trustee, Inc. can get you some money to help with the transition.
- You do not have to do anything.
- Trustee, Inc. will give you time to transition.
- Trustee, Inc. is locally owned and operated.
- Trustee, Inc. can give you options, to make this not go on your credit report, and will not destroy your credit negatively.
- Trustee, Inc. can deal with the mortgage company, for you; you do nothing.
- Trustee, Inc. has helped families for over 24 years, to stop foreclosure at absolutely no charge.
A Bad Credit Score Can Negatively Affect You..
A Good Credit Score is Key, We Can Help.
A low credit rating or bad credit report can negatively affect virtually every aspect of your life. Whether you are consistently late on your car payments or over your limit with your credit cards, have a home foreclosure, bad credit can make purchasing on credit virtually impossible and it can limit your lifestyle in many different ways.
Here's a few ways Bad Credit Affects You.
- Getting Approved for a Loan Can Be Difficult
- Higher Rates and More Restrictive Terms on Approved Loans
- Trouble Renting a house or Apartment
- Trouble Getting a Job or Security Clearance
- Trouble Getting a Cell Phone Contract
- Higher Insurance Premiums
- Potential Strain on Personal Relationships
Don't Let Time Run Out!
Call Trustee Inc. Today! 615-780-7297
Foreclosure Prevention
New homeowners often do not realize the extent of the impact a missed mortgage payment can have on their credit score. Read more >
How Foreclosure Works
With of 33 Years of Experience, the Trustee Inc Team of professionals know this process well, and we can help stop it. Read more >